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Ignatian Retreats

275 Days with Divine Love.

The Ignatian Retreat is a 9 month, guided "retreat in everyday life" as created by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century.


This at-home retreat invites you on a sacred, inward journey through Jesus' life and toward your truest self. The retreat includes daily imaginative prayer & reflective journaling practices designed to awaken your prayer life, deepen your connection to Jesus as Divine Love and increase your sense of belovedness.


Each retreat is also personally guided by Eliza Jane and includes weekly spiritual direction sessions. These private sessions provide ample space to wonder as you wander through the retreat with Love.


Curious? Join the Early Bird List!


Happy Asian girl backpack  in the road and forest background, Relax time on holiday concep

Retreat Details

composite autumn landscape. fence near the cross road on hillside meadow in mountains. few
Happy Asian girl backpack  in the road and forest background, Relax time on holiday concep

Originally created as a 30 day retreat in a monastery, St. Ignatius quickly realized that very few people could be away for that long- even in the 16th century. So, he reimagined the "retreat in everyday life" for everyday people like you.


Today, the Ignatian Retreat is a 9 month journey, divided into 5 "weeks" or parts.

See below for details about each step of the way.


Dearly Beloved.

The retreat begins by placing us under the long and loving gaze of God. We spend 6 weeks here preparing to to embark; not moving from this spot until this love is stitched into the pockets of our hearts. This belovedness is your True North & serves as a compass for the rest of the retreat.


God with Us.

In "Week 2" we notice God's response to chaos and disorder in the world. We welcome the birth of Jesus, God with Us and through imaginative prayer, we begin to curiously follow him as our friend, teacher & traveling companion; noticing his response to humanity. This part of the retreat lasts 14 weeks and usually aligns with the Advent & Christmas season.


The Long Sabbath.

In "Week 4" we're invited to let Joy be our guide for the rest of the retreat. This joy seems to well up from the deep; a quiet uprising from the core of Christ within. This part of the retreat lasts 5 weeks. It's filled with emotions that point to something real yet mysterious, loud yet quiet, spoken and yet unspeakable as you begin to grasp the full of the glory
of God.


Creator & created.

In "Week 1" of the retreat, we view through the lens of created beauty as well as chaos in the world. With the support of Spiritual Direction, space is often held here for big, unanswerable questions. These 4 weeks become of the retreat become an invitation to set down what isn't ours to carry and peer with wonder into the mysterious night sky.


Fully Human.

In "Week 3" we're asked to be a compassionate witness to Jesus and his humanity as he's rejected & persecuted by many.  This part of the retreat lasts 6 weeks and often aligns with Lent & Easter. Friend, this is a slow walk with Jesus toward the cross with time to pause and catch our breath. We're guided through these weeks NOT by the clamoring of guilt & shame, but by the hush of love & compassion for Jesus who has become a friend. 


A Life of Love.

In "Week 5", we wonder what now or what next as the retreat comes to a close. You've spent almost 275 days with Divine Love. Your true, most authentic self has often been discovered and named "Dearly Beloved." Deeply affirmed, this inevitably creates a desire to live or be in the world differently; radiating this love from the inside out.

What People Say...

Reflections while on the retreat.

Amy in Canada

"I'm noticing that Jesus always speaks affectionately. I used to think that 'Oh, you of little faith' was a criticism, but now, imagining Jesus' voice, it feels endearing. An affirmation of my humanness."
Book: Ignatian Retreat

Start Your Journey

Next Retreat Begins Sept 2024! Space is limited.

Join the Early Bird list for PRIORITY booking!

top view image of open notebook with blank pages next to cup of coffee on wooden table. re

STEP 1: Join the
Early Bird List!

Curious about the 2024 Ignatian Retreat? Please add yourself to the Early Bird list! 


Those on the Early Bird list are given PRIORITY booking when Retreat Reservations open. You'll be asked for your interest & weekly session availability then.


No commitment. Opt out at any time.


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Hello Session!

A FREE 30 minute Hello Session is required for all who wish to do the retreat.


During your session, you'll meet Eliza, ask any questions you have & explore possible next steps for embarking on the retreat. 


Feel free to book your Hello session on or before May 15th, 2024.


Happy Asian girl backpack  in the road and forest background, Relax time on holiday concep

STEP 3: Make a

Ready to embark? If you've attended a Hello Session with Eliza and sense that it's the right season for you, you're welcome to reserve your retreat! 


On the reservation form, you'll be asked to share availability for weekly sessions & choose a payment plan.


Reservations open June 1st, 2024!

Space is limited. Don't wait! 




You May be Wondering...


When is the next Ignatian Retreat?

The Ignatian Retreat is 9 months long and is offered annually. The next retreat begins in September 2024 and generally ends in May.


Much of the retreat is done in solitude on your own time with the exception of the weekly spiritual direction sessions. These sessions are scheduled at a consistent time, based on your availability.



Who is the Ignatian Retreat for?

Truly House is a trauma conscious space rooted in Christ's simple gospel of love. I welcome & celebrate people of all shapes, colors, backgrounds & identities. 


That said, a 9 month retreat is a significant commitment and most people only embark on this journey once. It's important to get the timing just right so that it feels like a gift to you. During your FREE Hello session, you and Eliza will discern together if  now is a good time for your retreat.



What's the time commitment?

The retreat is designed to fit into every day life. During the retreat, you can plan to spend 30-60 minutes per day in imaginative prayer & reflective journaling. In addition, you can plan to spend 1 hour in spiritual direction each week. These sessions are scheduled at a consistent time, based on your availability.


Of course, life happens on a "retreat in everyday life." There will be busy days where there's no room for solitude or you might need to reschedule your direction session. No worries. Eliza will be with you every step of the way!


What is the cost of the retreat?

The Ignatian Retreat is offered in 12 affordable monthly payments of $275 per month. Sliding scale options are available as well as one partial, need-based scholarship. For details, contact


Retreat costs includes 36 private spiritual direction sessions and 250+ spiritual practices as originally created by St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Curious? Join the Early Bird List!


Questions? Feel free to reach out.

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